

David Spiegelhalter on Covid By Numbers

David Spiegelhalter on Covid By Numbers

Coronavirus risk for young is 'staggeringly low', says UK's top statistician

Keynote sneak-peak: Professor Sir David Spiegelhalter

Communicating Statistics to the Media: Highs and Lows During the Pandemic Described

Covid by Numbers by David Spiegelhalter and Anthony Masters review — a guide to the stats that matter

David Spiegelhalter The Alan Turing Institute

Spiegelhalter says majority of Covid deaths would not have occurred in coming year

What are the risks of COVID? And what is meant by 'the risks of COVID'?, by David Spiegelhalter, WintonCentre

Use of “normal” risk to improve understanding of dangers of covid-19

Covid by numbers: 10 key lessons separating fact from fiction, Coronavirus

David Spiegelhalter: How to be a coronavirus statistics sleuth

Tracking mortality over time – Update 12th May - The Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine

Winton Centre Cambridge