

New Zealand Insights - Pornhub Insights

New Zealand Insights - Pornhub Insights

Searching for Redheads - Pornhub Insights

Coronavirus Insights - Pornhub Insights

Pornhub Insights - Digging deep into the data

A Few Canadians Searched for Weed Porn and Fake News Ensued - Canna West Seattle

Pornhub's 2016 Year in Review - Pornhub Insights

Pornhub reveals New Zealand lands 5th place on top porn watching list - NZ Herald

express Magazine - pornhub-insights-2023-year-in-review-gay-most-viewed-categories (1)

Pornhub 2018: 'Maori' New Zealand's most searched word

Pornhub & New Zealand - Pornhub Insights