

Protecting Kubernetes Applications Data using Kanister

Protecting Kubernetes Applications Data using Kanister

In this post, we are going to explore an an opensource project called Kanister that helps developers to backup and restore applications deployed on Kubernetes.

Kanister.io: A CNCF Sandbox Project for App-Consistent Backup - Cloud Native Now

Deploying Kubernetes observability and security with OpenTelemetry and Elastic

Protect your stateful Kubernetes workloads with Kanister

Kasten: Raising the Bar for Kubernetes Backup and Mobility

11 Ways (Not) to Get Hacked

3 Kubernetes Risks and What to Do About Them

Protecting Kubernetes Applications Data using Kanister

Products - Deploy Kasten K10 on Cisco Intersight Kubernetes Service for Container Backup (White Paper) - Cisco

Backup and Restore of K8s using K10 and Kanister(Mutating Web Hooks) with Minio, by Sandeep Mangalath

Enhancing Data Protection Workflows with Kanister And Argo Workflows