

The resurgence of cocaine shows that, for millennials, ethics are

The resurgence of cocaine shows that, for millennials, ethics are

Millennials are an ethical bunch. Veganism is on the rise, primarily down to the environmental impact of meat production and animal welfare issues. At universities, statues of historic British figures are squabbled over due to their racism or imperialism. Abortion; assisted suicide; racial profiling by the police; clothes manufacturing; bamboo coffee cups.

PDF) Capturing illicit drug use where and when it happens: an ecological momentary assessment of the social, physical and activity environment of using versus craving illicit drugs: EMA & drug use vs.

Cocaine has gone mainstream in Britain, and Generation X is to blame, Kate Spicer

Cocaine: A Millennial Minefield

The resurgence of cocaine shows that, for millennials, ethics are a pick and mix

Why Do Gen Z Love Cocaine So Much?

Opioid overdose crisis leads to novel CCNY partnership study of psychosocial treatments for Black people who use cocaine

Editorial: Cocaine Found in the White House!, by Alexander P Rivera

Cureus, Managing Addiction and Overdose Deaths: The Debate Over America's Safe Injection Spaces

Why do people say the millennial generation goes from 1980 to 1994 when in actuality it technically goes from 1986 to 1994 because those born between 1977 and 1985 are Gen Xers? - Quora

Crack Babies: The Epidemic That Wasn't - The New York Times