

Average Age of Vehicles on the Road Rises above 12 Years

Average Age of Vehicles on the Road Rises above 12 Years

Vehicles on the road have only been getting older, a study from IHS Markit found, in part a result of stunted new vehicle sales during the pandemic.

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Fact #997, October 2, 2017: Average Age of Cars and Light Trucks Was Almost 12 Years in 2016

Average Age Of Cars On US Roads Keeps Rising To Record Levels

The Average Vehicle Age Myth - Experian Insights

Plug-in electric vehicles in Norway - Wikipedia

Average age of road vehicles per country — European Environment Agency

Decade's fastest growth sees almost 32 million cars on the road - SMMT

Average Age of Vehicles on U.S. Roads Hits Record High 12.5 Years - Autobody News

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Average Age Of Vehicles On U.S. Roads Rises To All-Time High At 12.2 Years Amidst Supply Shortages

Average Age of Cars & Trucks in Operation Rises to Record, as New Vehicle Sales & Miles Driven Plunged

Average Age Of Cars On US Roads Keeps Rising To Record Levels