

As Offshore Wind Ramps Up, Scientists Flag Potential Impacts

As Offshore Wind Ramps Up, Scientists Flag Potential Impacts

Offshore wind farms can create their own local climates and may alter currents. How does that affect marine ecosystems?

Report Outlines Offshore Wind Opportunities, Challenges for

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On offshore wind farms, seafood production may be a breeze

Japan Starts to Seek Bidders for 1st Floating Wind Farm Auction

Rising US Project Costs Challenge Renewable Energy Commitments

As the US begins to build offshore wind farms, scientists say many

Innovative fish eDNA project launched at offshore wind farm

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North Sea countries to pledge massive ramp up of wind energy

Misperceptions of OPEC Capability and Behavior

Virginia, NY Offshore Wind Projects Boosted at Sea, On Land

Aligning Ambitions: State Strategies for Offshore Wind