

Supernova remnant is source of extreme cosmic particles

Supernova remnant is source of extreme cosmic particles

Astronomers have long sought the launch sites for some of the highest energy protons in our galaxy. Now, a study using 12 years of data from NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope confirms that a remnant of a supernova, or star explosion, is just such a place, solving a decade-long cosmic mystery.

SNR G298.6−0.0 is an old supernova remnant interacting with molecular clouds, study finds

Supernovae and the origin of cosmic rays

GMS: NASA's Fermi Confirms 'PeVatron' Supernova Remnant

Cosmic Rays - Where Do They Come From?

Star wreck source of extreme cosmic particles, NASA's Fermi Telescope finds out

Where Do Cosmic Rays Come From?

Cosmic rays help supernovae explosions pack a bigger punch

The Milky Way's next supernova could reveal dark matter, by Ethan Siegel, Starts With A Bang!

Supernovas & Supernova Remnants, ChandraBlog

Titanium bubbles discovered in supernova could help solve mystery of exploding stars