

Germany's far-right AfD derides EU as 'failed project' – DW – 08/06/2023

Germany's far-right AfD derides EU as 'failed project' – DW – 08/06/2023

German far-right says the EU is a 'failed project' as it prepares for European Parliament elections

German far right surges in polls, alarming mainstream parties

Opinion Alternative for Germany increases Europe's far-right turn - The Washington Post

Germany's far-right AfD profits from climate change spat – DW – 06/01/2023

Germany's far-right AfD is soaring. Can a ban stop it? – POLITICO

Germany shifts to the right with anti-immigration AfD ahead in polls

Germany's surging far right Alternative for Germany party provokes a reckoning - The Washington Post

Ban the AfD or fight it? Germany grapples over how to counter the far-right

Support for far-right AfD eases after Germany-wide protests - polls

Germany shifts to the right with anti-immigration AfD ahead in polls